
  • 6 Lessons

    Embodied Exercise for Five-Elements Harmony

    A week-long series of 30-minute embodiment classes with enjoyable, intentional exercises that promote vitality and healing in specific body systems. Each will provide a full workout with cardio, strength, and mobility while deepening appreciation for the interconnection of matter and soul.

  • 3 Lessons

    Embodiment Practices to Level Up Your Exercise

    This collection of Embodiment classes focuses on deepening the feeling and listening senses as we move. If your history with exercise has been about the grind - no pain, no gain; push through; 10 more reps! - this course will be a soothing balm to your body, mind, and spirit as we reconnect to our intuition.

  • 1 Lesson

    Gentle, Low-Impact Embodiment Practices

    A great place to start or dive deeper! A collection of Embodiment classes geared toward a senior population, those recovering from injuries, or those just wanting an easy, therapeutic movement practice, always with invitations to more deeply understand our bodies and spirits.

  • 1 Lesson

    Postpartum Embodiment Exercise

    Gentle, full-body, 20-minute exercise videos to love and rehab your pelvic floor postpartum.  Includes babywearing workouts!